Project Description
New Mission Church
Project Address
35318 Church Road, Frankford, DE
GYA Architects
Our Lady of Guadalupe was conceived in response to a burgeoning immigrant community in Bethany Beach, Delaware. Our Lady of Guadalupe is a mission church to the parish of St. Ann’s which seeks to create powerful outreach to this immigrant community. The Church is completely new construction built in a rural field just west of Bethany Beach proper. The field had an old circus of tracks for training horses. New construction was developed with cost-conscious siding materials. The steel structure and glass were designed to withstand hurricanes. The sanctuary holds 748 congregants and the total building size is roughly 12,000 ft². The project began in 2004 and was completed in 2007. Carl Emberger, Jr. assisted in creating design and construction documents including developing many of the complex details and coordinating all of the structure in his time at GYA Architects.